Thursday, 12 May 2016

Today's Exam ! Cellular Pathology!

If you read my previous post you probably realised I was feeling very uninspired yesterday BUT things have changed... The exam today was AMAZING! I honestly couldn't believe almost everything I've revised came up although I didn't remember it all aha .

The exam had 6 questions but we had to pick 5 questions to answer (10 marks each) that's 50 marks for the paper, which means 20 marks would get you a minimum pass! And 25 would be 50%. 

I tried counting my marks - being very harsh (27/50) and a little harsh (37/50). That's 54% and 74% respectively! I really hope inshallah I did aswell as I think I did. I know there's times where you think you might have answered it right but you misunderstood the question.

Anyways exams have ended in a good note alhamdulilah! And now I'm finally FREEEEEEEEEE. 

Things I want to do during summer: 
- Lab placement 
- Get a lab job and leave my part time job
- Revise for UKCAT
- Revise for GAMSAT 
- Gardening project - our garden needs ALOT of attention! It's too big of a project but I feel like once I'm done it would feel like such a success! 

I've also been into motivational/inspiring speeches and have bought some self- help books. If you guys ever want me to talk to you about anything I find interesting in these - do comment and I will let you know. 

HAVE A GREAT SUMMER or GOODLUCK! With your final exams!!!! 

Always believe in yourself (I should practice what I preach) ahaha 

I BELIEVE I WILL GET A 1st class honour!!!!!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Giving up?

So I've got my last exam tomorrow (Thursday 12th of May 2016) Cellular pathology. A very boring and fact based module. 

Firstly my revision this year was all LAST MINUTE! So obviously I don't expect to do amazingly well.

You might wonder what am I giving up on? ... I am giving up on getting a first class honour degree. This might sound ridiculous as tomorrow is my last exam but I've realised I might fall onto a 2:1 instead of a first overall. 

Let me explain. Last year overall I had 68% that's almost a first but it's a 2:1, that's 3 first class modules and 1 2:2 module. This year I can't even predict what I will be getting as they haven't even given us a SINGLE result. 

What I feel like I might get: 

Dissertation: 60-70% either 2:1 or 1st
Haematology: 60-70% either 2:1 or 1st 
Clinical biochemistry: 40-50% 3rd 
Cellular pathology: 40-50% 3rd 

That's basically around 50-60% average which is a 3rd right ? 

I'm honestly hoping inshallah that I get a first in haematology and dissertation - then hopefully I will get a first class overall for my degree. 

I am already in bed as I've given up revising - I won't say what I believe I will score tomorrow as I feel that's not very helpful! 

Will post soon to let you know how exams went or will be back once I have something to post - exam related or placement or graduation!