Monday 30 June 2014

First year Biomedical science experience & grades

Still Monday the 30th June 2014 - 10:17am 

The first year of biomedical science was actually pretty awesome, needless to say I should have spent much more time in studying and writing my lab reports. Which btw I didn't ... Therefore some of my final marks for the modules were barely a pass, *sweeps sweat off forehead* just glad I passed into 2nd year of biomedial science. 

Reasons why I didn't do aswell as I should have or should I say could have: 

• procrastination 
• procrastination 
• procrastination 

I have no other excuse, I would be watching tv, cooking or cleaning or even reading a book (not for uni) instead of revising. I'm kind of glad I did that, your probably thinking what a wierdo, but in all honesty I got into second year (alhamdulilah). Which means I wasted enough on nonsense and the next 2 years I would have to buckle down and get serious. 

I think the only reason I didn't work as hard or take it as serious was because none of what I do this year would be registered, which means it will not go towards my final mark. Phew. 

My grades for first year of Biomedical science: 

- Human science - third class 
- Principles of immunology and microbiology - 2:2 
- Elements of life - 2:1 
- Laboratory practice and skills - First class 

When you take a look at my grades, you'd think that I am definitly not cut out for medicine but I believe in myself and I know if I just stop messing around and wasting so much time, I will get a First class or at least a 2:1 at the end of my BSc Biomedical science degree (inshallah). 

Only a year and 4 months till I send off my Graduate entry medicine application. Seems so close but yet so far. So so excited & nervous too. (.^_^.) 

Univeristy has been closed for me since April. It's been 3 whole months and I've done no work or reading for uni whatsoever. I'm going to start today (inshallah). I'll share with you anything interesting I read or learn. 

I'll be going back around October so I have 3 months to do as much reading as possible. 

Any advice from any of you, who have studied biomedical science ? 

Bye for now. 

Doctor wannabe .^_^. 

Sunday 29 June 2014

Biomedical science to Medicine Journal!


It's Sunday the 29th .... Errr actually it's Monday the 30th June 2014 00:59am.

I guess this could be called an introduction. I am a biomedical science (BSc) student who has just completed her first year in April. I made this blog to share my journey from biomedical science to Medicine. Well I'm hoping to become a doctor one day and hopefully I can share with you all, my journey throughout the next 6/7 years. 

So basically, I'm dying to graduate (who isn't right), honestly can't stop thinking about finally graduating and applying for medicine and hopefully getting accepted  (inshallah). It's such a scary process though, imagine I don't get a minimum of a 2:1 or everything else that can go wrong. I'm just holding onto a thin thread called "hope". 

I can't think of anything else to write in my intro , just because I've been fasting all day (first day of Ramadan) so I don't really have many brain cells awake let alone working. 

This blog will be a diary of my journey, which can help me stay on top of things to do with my university work as well as preparing my graduate medicine application. 

I call myself the "doctor wannabe". 

By for now (^_^) 

Vocab : 

Inshallah : God willing!