Saturday, 2 May 2015

Exam season!

So I just had my first exam yesterday! It actually went okay! Not AMAZING but not too bad. 

So biochemistry DONE !!!! 
Clinical science is on Tuesday and microbiology&immunology is on Friday.

Preparations for clinical is going well Alhamdulilah but can you believe I haven't even started revising for my microbiology&immunology exam *sigh* 

Data analysis 2 - nearly finished due on Wednesday (p.s. Wednesday I'm getting back my clinical science case study result inshallah) 

Iiterature review and proposal due on the 15th of May and I've only done the intro! I'll start to work on that on the 8th inshallah! 

I know no one really reads my blog but I do love to write on here, it's like my brain is clutter free now. 

Anyway GOOD LUCK! To everyone who has exams! 

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