Saturday, 30 May 2015

Personal statement!

Good news! I have finished writing my personal statement. Want to know how long it took me? A few hours LOL I don't even know why I am laughing. 

Anyways it took me a few hours which means it isn't the best especially since it's a first draft. I'm going to leave it for a week or so and then look at it again and try make some corrections ... Maybe take things off and add new stuff.

I might be over the word limit but will definitely fix that next time inshallah. 

Last post I said I had to do: 

- write my personal statment 
- revise UKCAT 
- revise BMAT 

Now that personal statement is done I have 2 things left. 

I'll definitely be sharing my second year results with you guys once they have been released inshallah. 

I still haven't bought a BMAT revision book but as soon as i finish revising (or should I say start then finish) I will buy it. 

Starting UKCAT prep today.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Graduate medicine 2016 application

So now I'm done with uni, I need to start working on my application. 

Ucas will be opening after the 2015 applications are done, then I could start on that. In the mean time I have to:

- write my personal statment 
- revise UKCAT 
- revise BMAT 

I'll update you on more once I've done something! 

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Exams are OVER!

Exams are over but summer hasn't just yet started for me. I've got one more assignment, the literature review and proposal which is due on Friday! 

After that I am FREEEEE ! 

I don't know if I've already told you guys, but I've started volunteering at a hospital, so work experience is sorted (well kind of). I'm also going to be shadowing a cardiac surgeon at UCL hospital and I cannot wait. 

Straight after Friday's submission I'm going to start UKCAT/BMAT preparation and My personal statement.

Once results are out im going to contact my teacher who agreed to do my reference as long as I get aa 1st in his class, which hopefully I will. 

Hope your exams are going well for anyone who is reading this. 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Exam and results update

So I had my clinical on Tuesday and it went well alhamdulilah! 

But now comes microbiology&immunology tomorrow and I'm shi**** bricks! I'm literally so scared! To the point where I'm mentally preparing to retake the exam  *sigh* I really hope it doesn't get to that inshallah.

Let's end on a good note, results:
Clinical case study (worth 50%) : I got 72 
Critical review don't really know how much it's worth but I just got the result. Back today and I got 77. 

As you can see 70s this year love me, is it bad I'm craving an 80 or above. Nevertheless Alhamdulilah I'm happy! 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Exam season!

So I just had my first exam yesterday! It actually went okay! Not AMAZING but not too bad. 

So biochemistry DONE !!!! 
Clinical science is on Tuesday and microbiology&immunology is on Friday.

Preparations for clinical is going well Alhamdulilah but can you believe I haven't even started revising for my microbiology&immunology exam *sigh* 

Data analysis 2 - nearly finished due on Wednesday (p.s. Wednesday I'm getting back my clinical science case study result inshallah) 

Iiterature review and proposal due on the 15th of May and I've only done the intro! I'll start to work on that on the 8th inshallah! 

I know no one really reads my blog but I do love to write on here, it's like my brain is clutter free now. 

Anyway GOOD LUCK! To everyone who has exams!