Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Wierdest Interview EVER!

I had an interview yesterday at 9am which I was late to unfortunately, my lateness will most probably cost me the job, oh well on to the next one. 

Anyways the interview was soooo wierd! I was interviewed by a lady and a man. The manager (the man) was just in a very funny mood (unless that's his mood all the time at 9am). He was cracking jokes and acting like it was a mock interview which was a very different experience to other interviews I've been to. In a way I found this difference quiet refreshing and very relaxing to say the least. I didn't feel as nervous and I was actually smiling but I might have been influence to take it as a joke. 

At one point in the interview he asked me a scenario based questions, "what would you do if all the MLAs call in sick one morning and you're  the only one there, how will you cope with the workload? Oh and I need you to pop to the shop and get me some pencils?" 

I might or might not have answered with "I would priorities the work load and get you the pencils last". 

To which he replied, "OK your out" 😅 imagine my face LOL

They said I would know by next week if I got the job or not. Oh and to top it all off there are 25 potential candidates but apparently a lot of vacancies available. 

I hope he is mad enough to hire me in shaa Allah. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Job hunting: After graduating!

I actually stuck to my word aha "will update once I finish my placement" (previous post). 

So as you can tell this post is about job hunting after graduating. After you graduate from Biomedical science you realise 3 things:

One. Even after studying Biomedical Science you are NOT I repeat NOT a biomedical scientist! 
Two. To find a job is EXTREMELY HARD especially anything to do with what you studied 
And Three. You'll be in that retail job much longer than you anticipated.

But regardless I need to remember to be thankful and say Alhamdulilah because I know finding a placement isn't as easy as it came to me (Thanks to my lovely neighbour).

I'm also grateful as I'm applying for SO MANY jobs I'm getting a few interviews. I had one on the 1st of December, thought it went well until the last question (a dilution question came up - although I did prepare - I just felt so presurrised). My neighbour works at the place and she told me they recruited a n Indian girl who had a lot of experience. 

I have two more interviews and still applying (to even night shift lab jobs - desperate times calls for desperate measures). I have one interview tomorrow at the SAME place just a different department so maybe second time lucky in shaa Allah? And I have an interview next week. I will obviously update on how they went if I get any of them. 

No progress with med school application - that's just taken a backseat until I find a job - although I should be using my free time a lot better than I am currently.