It's Monday the 11th of August 2014 20:21
Last time we spoke, well I said I was going to use the last 3 months of my holiday to do some reading. But um let's be honest here, no university reading has taken place at all. Lacking motivation I guess. I've got less than 2 months of my holiday left.
So your probably reading this because your either looking for a hospital volunteering opportunity or your following the same path as me, either way, welcome!
I've been STRUGGLING! To find some volunteering at a hospital or GP or a clinic but NADA! Nothing! ZILCH!
That's really irritating because to apply for medicine you have to do some sort of health related volunteering, for a long time, to show your commitment I guess.
Last month I applied for a 2 day mental health first aid training which is on the 21st and 22nd of August so I will let you know how that goes. It's completely free so I'll find a link for anyone who wants to gain a little health related experience.
Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mental-health-first-aid-youth-21st-and-22nd-august-2014-registration-11839322733?utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email_attendees&utm_term=event
I've also checked out the Do-it page, which you ain't familiar with, can I just say, YOUR MISSING OUT! Big time. There are sooooooo many opportunities on that website, just no hospital or GP related stuff I guess. But nevertheless an experience has to be gained so we need to find other places to volunteer.
If you can't already tell, I'm desperate. I NEEEEEEEED experience. So I applied to work with older people who are in care homes, to hold a reminiscing group. how awesome does that sound (p.s. I'm not being sarcastic). I also applied to become a friend for disabled, elderly or mental people.
I've got a workshop for this on the 27th of August, so yeah I'm kind of excited.
If I do end up working there, by the time I end up applying for medicine I could write about the experience and include the fact that I worked there for over a year (estimate, from September 2014 to October 2013). I'm planning on staying with them even after I apply for medicine, obviously depends if I actually like it or if I'm good at it.
I just wanted to say to you all, no matter what experience you need, apply for anything close enough to what you need even if it is something you don't want. Like I would LOVE to volunteer at a hospital but no one ever replies. So I have to go and apply for the next best thing.
About 2 years ago, I was looking for somewhere to volunteer and found a great opportunity at St Johns ambulance. Trainings were usually in the evenings so mum told me to not go. I wish I didn't quit but I guess what's meant to happen will happen.
Just remember that it's not what type of volunteering you found that matters but what you've learnt.
Now I've got the experience part out the way, I guess next thing is about hobbies?
Until next time ^_^
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