Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Wierdest Interview EVER!

I had an interview yesterday at 9am which I was late to unfortunately, my lateness will most probably cost me the job, oh well on to the next one. 

Anyways the interview was soooo wierd! I was interviewed by a lady and a man. The manager (the man) was just in a very funny mood (unless that's his mood all the time at 9am). He was cracking jokes and acting like it was a mock interview which was a very different experience to other interviews I've been to. In a way I found this difference quiet refreshing and very relaxing to say the least. I didn't feel as nervous and I was actually smiling but I might have been influence to take it as a joke. 

At one point in the interview he asked me a scenario based questions, "what would you do if all the MLAs call in sick one morning and you're  the only one there, how will you cope with the workload? Oh and I need you to pop to the shop and get me some pencils?" 

I might or might not have answered with "I would priorities the work load and get you the pencils last". 

To which he replied, "OK your out" 😅 imagine my face LOL

They said I would know by next week if I got the job or not. Oh and to top it all off there are 25 potential candidates but apparently a lot of vacancies available. 

I hope he is mad enough to hire me in shaa Allah. 


  1. Haha the manager sounds great! Insha'Allah he does hire you :) x
