Friday, 29 September 2017

Why I WILL get into Medical School and Become a DOCTOR!

Hi All (that's if anyone still reads this blog),

Pretty bold statement in my title, but it is exactly what I have decided to tell my mind and body. Mind and body are one so whatever I tell the mind the body will also know? Dead joke I know.

Anyway I realised something mind boggling the other day, specifically yesterday 28th Septemeber 2017. I have ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS! been telling myself, everyone and their mothers that "I WANT TO STUDY MEDICINE", that "I WANT TO BECOME A DOCTOR". Your probably thinking, okay so what is wrong with that exactly?

Well let me tell you what I realised, I realised that WANTING is not ENOUGH and that is why I am 24, unemployed (employed in retail again as of next monday) and still 'dreaming' of getting into medicine and becoming a doctor. It was until yesterday a mer dream, nothing else. I have always WANTED and that is not enough, I NEEEEEEEEEED to get into medicine.  I NEEEEEEEEEEED to become a Doctor and that is a FACT.

This mentality change made me start revising for GAMSAT now, as it is never too early to start and its time I make this dream a reality. If I dont put in the work I wont get the results I want, Medicine is so competitive (as if you havent heard this enough) I haven't been doing nearly enough prep for it which is why I refer my old mentality as 'fake dreamer'.

Some of us Dream, Work and Deliver that dream, to ourselves. Whilst the rest of us (like myself) Dreamed, sat back and relaxed, hoping for a miracle to come my way and grant me my dream.

I dont know if any of this even makes sense but I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

Dreaming is for Losers when no work is being done.

Anyway heres a little life update;

- I finished that placement I talked about, only did 6 weeks instead of 8 as I had enough. It was just too repetitive and then I decided to delay my staff bank application, literally just waiting for my references now, going to chase them up tomorr- damn just realised tomorrow is Saturday, Oh well Monday it is then.

- Starting Full time retail work next week, until my staff bank is sorted then I am OUT!

- I applied for volunteer work at Hospital that allows you to observe in the theatre every 4 weeks, How amazing is that. I have the training and assesment on the 14th October so hopefully that goes well.

- Started GAMSAT revision yesterday, I am pretty determined!


Until next time ....

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Wierdest Interview EVER!

I had an interview yesterday at 9am which I was late to unfortunately, my lateness will most probably cost me the job, oh well on to the next one. 

Anyways the interview was soooo wierd! I was interviewed by a lady and a man. The manager (the man) was just in a very funny mood (unless that's his mood all the time at 9am). He was cracking jokes and acting like it was a mock interview which was a very different experience to other interviews I've been to. In a way I found this difference quiet refreshing and very relaxing to say the least. I didn't feel as nervous and I was actually smiling but I might have been influence to take it as a joke. 

At one point in the interview he asked me a scenario based questions, "what would you do if all the MLAs call in sick one morning and you're  the only one there, how will you cope with the workload? Oh and I need you to pop to the shop and get me some pencils?" 

I might or might not have answered with "I would priorities the work load and get you the pencils last". 

To which he replied, "OK your out" 😅 imagine my face LOL

They said I would know by next week if I got the job or not. Oh and to top it all off there are 25 potential candidates but apparently a lot of vacancies available. 

I hope he is mad enough to hire me in shaa Allah. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Job hunting: After graduating!

I actually stuck to my word aha "will update once I finish my placement" (previous post). 

So as you can tell this post is about job hunting after graduating. After you graduate from Biomedical science you realise 3 things:

One. Even after studying Biomedical Science you are NOT I repeat NOT a biomedical scientist! 
Two. To find a job is EXTREMELY HARD especially anything to do with what you studied 
And Three. You'll be in that retail job much longer than you anticipated.

But regardless I need to remember to be thankful and say Alhamdulilah because I know finding a placement isn't as easy as it came to me (Thanks to my lovely neighbour).

I'm also grateful as I'm applying for SO MANY jobs I'm getting a few interviews. I had one on the 1st of December, thought it went well until the last question (a dilution question came up - although I did prepare - I just felt so presurrised). My neighbour works at the place and she told me they recruited a n Indian girl who had a lot of experience. 

I have two more interviews and still applying (to even night shift lab jobs - desperate times calls for desperate measures). I have one interview tomorrow at the SAME place just a different department so maybe second time lucky in shaa Allah? And I have an interview next week. I will obviously update on how they went if I get any of them. 

No progress with med school application - that's just taken a backseat until I find a job - although I should be using my free time a lot better than I am currently. 

Sunday, 16 October 2016

First Placement: MLA

Hi there,

So I have FINALLY started my first laboratory placement as a medical lab assistant volunteer at a hospital. I will be doing 8 weeks of unpaid work, 3 days a week. After that I will be registered on the staff bank system so I could apply for jobs within the NHS.

I've only done 1 week so far and have to say I am truly enjoying this experience. Although the hospital is far from me, I'm not very bothered about it as i know the next 7 weeks will fly by. 

I'm also working during the weekends so that means I only get 2 rest days during the week. 

As I have already mentioned (I think I did)x, I did not apply to medicine this year but hope to apply in 2017 for 2018 entry in shaa Allah. 

I haven't found any shadowing work yet but will update what I am up to once I finish my placement. 

Friday, 1 July 2016

The End: Third Year Results & Classification

Firstly let me start by saying Alhamdulilah! All thanks is due to Allah! Who has helped me during these nerve racking and enjoyable 3 years at univeristy! To be quiet honest there was a lot of ups compared to downs and I'm very appreciative and happy with my performance at uni and who I've become. I couldn't be more grateful! 
I feel like I'm writing my leaving speech LOL! 

Alright enough on my "speech" let's see how I did this year.

Let me paste my module components from my previous blog post, (anything with a * is an estimate - will edit these in once I've contacted the module leaders). 

This year I have 4 modules:

1. Dissertation: 2:1
Total = 66%*

2. Clinical Biochemistry: 2:2
- Biomarker Essay: 64% 
- Exam: 40% 
Total = 52%

3. Cellular Pathology: 2:1
- Wiki group work & presentation: 57%
- Special Stain Lab report: 70%
- Exam: 67%
Total = 65%

4. Haematology: 2:1 
- Poster Presentation: 61%
- Lab report: 71%
- Exam: 66%
Total = 67%

So for 3rd year I got 63.5% which is that's no where near to a first but I would have beat myself up if I got anything below 60%. Alhamdulilah! 

I've never shared the univeristy I went to for anonymity purposes but now I've completed my time there I can reveal I studied at Middlesex Univeristy from 2013-2016! 

I've started revising for my UKCAT now FINALLY! I went onto the medify website and subscribed for a month to test it out, I haven't used much of it yet but it's definitely motivated me to finally get going. I'm not sure if I'll be doing GAMSAT but that WAS the plan. 

Will keep you updated and also review the medify revision tool compared to the 600Q book that I used last year. I'll also keep a track of the amount of hours I spend revising for the UKCAT to see if that reflects on my score this time round. 

Have a lovely summer and leave any post suggestions with me, if you'd like me to post more frequently! 


Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Graduation:To attend or not to attend

To attend or not to attend, that is the question. Just last night I was thinking about the pros and cons of going to my graduation. I've come to the realisation that the cons outweigh the pros. 

- my first graduation - a day I looked forward to 
- last time I get to see everyone from my class 
- a chance to dress up and have fun 

- costly 
- can't decide what to wear
- not the degree I hope to graduate from (if it was medicine- I'd definitely attend) 
- need to measure myself to order gown by Friday 

Basically all the cons I can forget about no big deal but I can't overcome the costs!!! 

I am able to pay the costs but I am currently saving for many different occasions:- 
- got accepted to do an Arabic intensive part time program which costs £2500 a year 
- planning to do the GAMSAT which costs around 200 quid 
- I do taekwondo and have a competition in September in Scotland and national competition in Nottingham in novemember which are both costly that's excluding travel expenses.
- because of the competitions I have coming up I need to attend all lessons which aren't free 

I am greatful to be graduating and Alhamdulilah couldn't be happier. But in my current situation I doubt I will be attending the graduation ceremony. It's not the end of the world and this might even motivate me to continue to apply to medicine so I can attend at least 1 graduation ceremony in shaa Allah. 

Everyone that has passed and is graduating, congratulations! I hope you and your families have an amazing day celebrating the end and new chapter in your life. 

I haven't forgotten to update you all on my results, the post is due soon as I am waiting for the 1st of July for my classification, as they haven't told us that yet. 

Friday, 17 June 2016


So to my surprise the grade and progression section in my univeristy website has been updated and thank fully! Alhamdulilah I passed! But I'm not happy! 

I will give you a breakdown of my results once I digest this sadness. I didn't get any first class for any of my modules this year and apparently your meant to have 4 first class in either 2nd and 3rd year, I have only 3 from last year and was hoping for at least 1 this year. 

As the univeristy didn't tell us the grades were, I hope these aren't the real results and they update it again as Monday the 20th is the official day for the results. 

Keep me in your duas. Either way if I get a 2:1 it's not the end of the world but inshallah Khayr.